Monday, July 23, 2007

A Little Bird Told Me

Heard several folks at the last Computers In Libraries mention the site Twitter. "I just updated it on Twitter"....."I'm on Twitter right now...." etc.

So being ever the curious one that I am and since we are playing around with social networks....I decided to head on over to this thing called Twitter. Still not 100% what it can do for me. Is it a floor polish and a desert topping? Does it slice, dice and julienne? Inquiring minds what to know.

Perhaps this explains it a bit better than I can. Micro-blogging??? Will we have nano-blogging next? Just insert nano into you and think a thought....the nano will do the blog for you.

So if you want to know what I'm doing...I'm mlibrarianus on Twitter.

Really cool app on Twitter - Twitter Faces (uses Google Maps).

1 comment:

Jaye Holly said...

Yeah, I don't quite get Twitter either. Maybe we're too old to get twitterpated!