Friday, June 8, 2007

Supermarket 2.0

Can't get a grasp on this Web 2.0 thing? Perhaps something that is a bit more everyday

Supermarket 2.0

Can't decide if the tagging of the chicken or the comments on the milk are my favorites.

Lifelong learner

Ever discover that you are doing something all along that suddenly seems to be the latest buzz word or catch phrase? I guess that would describe me and lifelong learning. Many if not all of the habits they describe I firmly subscribe to.

I believe the day I stop learning, I die. One of my favorite sayings is "I learned something new today!" I say that with pride and it is one of the reasons I love my job. Besides the flexibility and variety it affords me I honestly do not go a day without learning something new. It may not be big (some days it is really huge) but if it is new and helps me on my path in life then I'm all for it.

I really liked the part where it said - teach you'll learn as well. As one who has done training here at Howard County Library I couldn't agree more. It never fails that someone in my class teaches me something about the subject or my teaching style or about me. I guess it is one of the reason I enjoy training so much...another opportunity to learn!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day 1 of 23

How original is that for a title? Not very I know but since this is just a test blog I thought it best to keep it short and sweet.

I hope that what I can bring to this experience for others (and myself) is my love of technology and my ability to make it somewhat more understandable (especially for those who don't feel they are very tech savvy).

So let's get started......are you ready for some blogging!